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illustation, watercolor, book cover

Commission for a novel

Project: Watercolor illustration for two books by Kristin Rytter, novel written for parents of paraplegic children.


Technique: Drawing and Watercolor

Concept and drawing, from imagination, with photos of paraplegic children and wheelchair equipment for reference. Image inspired by author's story-line

12th Avenue, Seattle, WA

A commissioned painting of a Seattle shopfront.
This was to memorialize a shopfront that was scheduled to be knocked-down and replaced by newer buildings. The client who owned a boutique in this building, wanted a painting as a souvenir for memory's sake.


This project involved presenting a couple
of pencil sketches of different viewpoints, (click image), before client approval to paint this chosen perspective.







Commission for a children's book

Project: One in a series of 10 illustrations for a book written for the author's little girl.


Technique: Drawing and Watercolor

Concept and drawing, from imagination, with photos of daughter for reference. Image inspired by author's storyline.














Microsoft's My Personal Tutor

Illustration Series for Microsoft CD ROM product: My Personal Tutor


Project: Illustrate a series of paintings for an educational CD Rom for children. Each painting was based on the text of that page within a set template grid. Consideration was given to pop-ups, menus and animations to appear without blocking the main focus of the storyline.


Technique: Concept and drawing, from imagination, with photos to ensure appropriate reference in costume.

Photoshop work using Layers, to create dance animation in the dancer's foot.





Commission for The New British Library building

Project: Commissioned by the Press and Public Relations Department of the British Library, to paint six watercolors of the construction of their new building.


Technique: Rendering and painting, from photos taken by me on location, to ensure appropriate likeness to the new building.

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